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Adele Levitova
The main thing
August 11 – September 11, 2024
The personal exhibition of Adele Levitova’s "The Main Thing" combines works created by the artist in 2024 as a result of her residency at the A-i-R in the Ria Keburia Foundation, Georgia.

In recent turbulent years, Levitova has experienced a period of travel to different countries, feeling that there is no other meaning in life other than aesthetic or spiritual. According to common experience, special and traumatic periods in history provoke artists to escape from reality, leading to the necessity of building their own traveling temple, a space of serenity protected from external interference, which can help maintain their own identity.

Adele Levitova's syncretic, multi-confessional religious identity is determined by the artist's biography, which comes from a Muslim family, being Tatar by birth. However, over time Levitova turned to Christianity, while still maintaining a connection with the Islamic world, and, at the same time, matrimonially linking her life to Judaism. The artist's spiritual quest also pushed her to study practices that are commonly associated with Eastern religions. Thus, Adele Levitova's personal history allows her to view the world and cultures from very different perspectives, making her everyday experience and vision truly universal.
Without turning to any specific god, Levitova is constantly searching for answers to questions about the order of things and the nature of the divine purpose. Meanwhile, in her creative practice, the artist often focuses on themes of love and relationships, believing that one can only truly know the world, love, oneself, and God — directly. According to the project's concept: "others, like companions in the flow of life, everyone we meet along the way, and our relationships with them, allow us to find answers to questions about freedom, active and actual love, mercy, and care. Thus, in silence with someone close, we learn about ourselves and the cosmos, building our own relationship with the creator."

By creating her personal temple in the framework of the project "The Main Thing," Adele Levitova brings to the forefront images of "love, motherhood, perfection found in nature and art, and connections between people — all of which make up the beauty of ordinary life and exist as a natural miracle."

Victoria Misiano
Adele Levitova began her creative practice in 2017. A graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Adele studied art history and painting techniques at The UCL Slade School of Fine Art in London, and took a series of private lessons from various artists.

Since 2018, Adele Levitova has participated in group exhibitions and art fairs, held solo exhibitions in Moscow and Tel Aviv, and implemented different projects in collaboration with other artists, brands, and media.

Working in the realm of figurative expressionism with elements of abstraction, Levitova creates paintings using various materials such as acrylic, oil, charcoal, aerosol, oil pastel, Dutch foil, etc. The artist is interested in themes of love, female identity, relationships between men and women, spiritual issues, and the image of an ideal life. Levitova’s goal is to articulate and offer in her works a dream of the desired self, better life circumstances, relationships one wants to have, and places where one wants to be. Adele’s paintings can be interpreted as an artistic expression of a «wish list» with possible ways of fulfillment that the artist outlines in her works.