Group Show “Sorry, No Flowers Here” At Why Not Gallery

On February 5, a group exhibition at The Why Not Gallery – “Sorry, No Flowers Here” has been opened. The exposition, which brings together the works of five young women artists, draws viewers' attention to the issues of being a woman in a patriarchal culture.

However, instead of posing these as ideals to look up to, presented artists, with their strong energies and self-contained signature styles, challenge and pervert the supposed truths. Heartfelt journeys through generational traumas and personal quests for healing, absurd harmony of fragile beauty and yet fatal danger, poetry and sentimentality of female comradeship.

It is an emotional and heartfelt journey in search of generational traumas and ways to heal, in absurd harmony with beauty and the threat of fate, in the poetry of feminine solidarity and sentimentality.

The participating artists of the exhibition are: Tamar Gurgenidze, Nata Varazi, Lola, Tamara Lortkipanidze and Gvantsa Jishkariani.

You can visit the gallery every day, except Monday, from 13:00 to 20:00.
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