2022-06-02 14:17


Esartia works and lives in Brooklyn, NY. Out “Of The Cave” is her second solo exhibition with Marisa Newman Projects, after Ich habe meinen Regenschirm vergessen (I have forgotten my umbrella), in 2018.
Esartia received an MA from Christie’s Education, New York, in 2013, and a BFA from SAIC (School of the Art Institute of Chicago) in 2001.
In 2019, Esartia was a visiting professor at VA[A]DS at Free University of Tbilisi, Georgia. Same year, she completed a residency program with Ria Keburia Foundation, Kachreti, Georgia, and participated in Oxygen_Tbilisi No Fair, with an interactive sculptural installation titled A.I.T.Y.H.A.S.I.T.O.
(Anger Implies That You Have A Stake In The Outcome), which was performed by her students from VA[A]DS. Right before taking the teaching position in Tbilisi, Esartia partook in a group show, Paper Chase, at Marisa Newman Projects, where she presented her watercolor works on paper.
In 2018, Esartia participated at Tbilisi Art Fair.
Since 2017, she has been involved in an ongoing project Mémoires d'éléphants, with Jean-Paul Sidolle, Nantes, France.