Taming The Garden, a film by Salome Jashi named among best films of the year in The Guardian

The two major international film festivals of 2022 - the Berlin and Cannes Film Forums - have already taken place. Before the end of the year, the films that are nominated for the main film awards will be released, the British edition The Guardian publishes a list of the best films so far in 2022, which also includes a documentary by Salome Jashi.

The documentary follows massive and ancient trees being transported -- at great expense and inconvenience -- from the coast of the Republic of Georgia to the private garden of a wealthy and politically powerful man. The bizarre story of Georgian billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili about uprooted and relocated trees across the country, which The Guardian calls an "Fitzcarraldo-like operation," is a high-profile documentary by Salome Jashi.

2022-06-26 12:05 NEWS#2